Another great result for second-hand book sale

Reading material . . . Holding the bargains they found at the Gore Pakeke Lions Club second hand book sale (are from left) Georgia (10), Alfie (5) and Zara Bell (13) of Waikaka. PHOTO: SANDY EGGLESTON

Some of Gore’s more senior citizens continue to lead by example in the recycling arena after another top effort in Pakeke Lions Club’s annual second-hand book sale.

The club raised $22,255.60 from the sale, which finished at the weekend.

The club also has a paper, cardboard and plastic wrap recycling factory in the town.

Book sale co-ordinator Douglas Dixey said he was pleased with the turnover of the sale, which was probably the highest amount ever raised.

“We are quite convinced it’s above our best.

“Anything over $20,000, we are doing well.”

In the past, the sale had been held in August — and last year in September because of Covid-19 — but this year was changed to coincide with the school holidays, which also meant people were not as busy with lambing and calving.

“It’s warmer weather; it’s light outside.

“It’s a better time for us to have it.”

When the doors opened on Thursday afternoon, he was surprised to see the number of people waiting.

“There were hundreds.

“The car park was full and they just swarmed in and they swarmed out just as fast.”

He estimated about 80% of the books were sold, which was better than usual.

“We seem to have less left over.”

It was difficult to know how many books were part of the sale but there were about 200 banana boxes with between 25 and 40 books in each.

Only three of the 45 boxes of children’s book were left.

“They’re quality kids’ books and that’s what people come back and say.”

Westerns were “gone in a flash”.

The average price of the books was about $2.

The sale was a community effort.

Gore High School pupils helped with putting the books out and Gore Police Blue Light members helped with the clean-up, he said.